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Aperture Integrated Resources Manager

Aperture Integrated Resources Manager | LeftSideView
Aperture Integrated Resources Manager | FeatureInfographics
Aperture Integrated Resources Manager | FeatureInfographics

Aggregates and normalizes real-time data from disparate systems, devices and facilities to compute a risk-adjusted value that represents the actual load on resources. Using this actionable operational information, IT can better maximize utilization and improve efficiency.


  • Provides a cohesive systemfor strategically managingenergy, capital resources andprocess efficiency.
  • Creates a holistic view of thedata center that correlatesbusiness services with costand risk to enhance planning.
  • Close the gap betweenfacilities by consolidatinginformation into a commonview. This helps to provideservice at the lowest possiblecost.
  • Computes risk-adjustedvalues, that represent actualresource utilization over time,to maximize resource usewhile managing risk.


  • Efficiently aggregate real-time operational data from multiple systems for comprehensive insight into operations over time.
  • Improve risk management with increased visibility into capacity and remaining headroom in infrastructure resources, such as power and cooling.
  • Delay capital expenditures by ensuring resources are sized correctly to fully utilize existing infrastructure resources.
  • Deploy power and cooling resources closer to full capacity to reap the benefits of high density architecture.
  • Support an optimization cycle for continuous improvement of resource utilization.

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