Hospitals Electrical Power Distribution Systems

Meeting the Challenges of a Hospital’s Electrical Power Distribution System

Hospitals use more energy than any other building type and are likely the only type of building whose power usage is required to save lives. No matter the size of the healthcare facility, a well-maintained, reliable, and steady power supply is absolutely critical in order to function efficiently.

Power interruptions not only create inconvenient downtime for the hospital staff but can also be detrimental to the patient care provided. Healthcare depends on the safe, seamless supply of power to the facility. Even small power failures can cause devastating consequences.

While the healthcare industry faces many challenges with facility management, here are a few of the key power distribution challenges:

Increased Reliance on Electrical Power

Hospital facilities have many complex functions, from simple operations such as lighting or fire alarms to higher levels of care, such as life-support systems, monitoring systems, blood banking and transfusion services, supply storage and more. Health facilities are dependent on a reliable power supply to function efficiently without downtime.

Due to the given increase in reliance on computer-controlled systems, some facilities require large and complex server rooms. These rooms would require environmentally controlled support systems, which require their own upkeep.

Power Loss Preparation

Hospital regulations require emergency standby power to sensitive areas, like operating rooms and critical care units. Even a small, momentary interruption of power could potentially mean a life-or-death situation for some patients. Losing access to patients’ electronic charts, health history, and treatment information can severely impair staff’s ability to make the right decisions while providing patient care.

In the event of a power interruption, emergency power supply systems must be provided quickly. The backup power systems need to be designed to combat vulnerabilities that the initial power system may not be designed to withstand.

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system can provide continuous power and supply critical equipment for momentary power outages.

Maintenance and Repair

Many hospital facilities are unable to support a dedicated electrical engineer who can conduct regularly scheduled maintenance on equipment. Instead, they often rely on a more reactive approach to upkeep. Modernizing power distribution equipment can mean less visits for electrical contractors and more time between required maintenance.

Remote monitoring systems can provide a constant status of power supply and give early warnings for possible malfunctions. With the advanced warning of failure, a repair can be handled swiftly, mitigating potential risk.

Energy Sustainability

Budgets will always determine what resources a facility can afford to procure for their building. Hospitals use more energy than most other building types, in fact, energy usage often represents half of this type of facility’s overall budget.

The organization of healthcare facilities is complex. When making decisions, it’s important to keep in mind both cost and efficiency of the infrastructure equipment. Continuous equipment upgrades and replacements will help decrease costs. Utilizing renewable energy and optimizing the hospital infrastructure can lower costs and decrease the environmental footprint created.

Scalable Technology

The risk of a failed system in healthcare can be more detrimental than in any other industry. Hospitals and healthcare facilities must continuously update their equipment to adapt to ever-changing regulations and increased power demands.

As hospitals and healthcare facilities become increasingly more dependent on power, the availability of an uninterrupted power supply becomes extremely critical.

We have a wide range of knowledge and experience with power distribution systems and healthcare environments. Our techs can ensure power sustainability, efficiency, and reliability for your healthcare facility, regardless of size or supply needs. Contact us today to find out how our knowledgeable professionals can help you maximize your facility’s power supply and distribution.

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